
A CesiumJS fork for Orbital Mechanics and Visualization

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Why OrbPro?

OrbPro was built to augment CesiumJS specifically for astrodynamics applications, catering to military, intelligence, and civil users. It addresses the limitations of current systems in accurately displaying large satellite constellations, ensuring precise tracking and visualization.

OrbPro enables the creation of complex scenarios with ease, providing foundational capabilities that are essential for advanced space operations.

By leveraging built-in SGP4 orbit propagation and integrating various sensor types, OrbPro ensures accurate satellite tracking and prediction directly in the browser. It also offers sophisticated tools for reference frame control, camera navigation, and line-of-sight calculations, making it a powerful solution for users who demand precision and reliability in astrodynamics applications.

Current Features

Built-in Orbit Generation

Utilize built-in SGP4 orbit propagation using Celestrak.org Libraries for accurate satellite tracking and prediction, all in the browser! No server required. Developers can stack OMMs (formerly called TLEs) and OrbPro automatically builds the best orbit.


Sensors Library

Integrate and visualize various sensor types seamlessly within your orbital mechanics simulations.


Child Entities

Easily manage and manipulate child entities for complex hierarchical structures, to create rich interactive experiences.


Advanced Reference Frame Control

Control local object reference frames and position within local reference frames with ease.


Custom Camera Control

Implement custom camera control for enhanced navigation and viewing experience.


Line-of-Sight / Deck Access

Perform line-of-sight and deck access calculations for detailed visibility analysis.


Massive Entity Set

Render tens to hundreds of thousands of entities performantly.


Product Roadmap

Core Upgrades

  1. Single-file packaging
  2. Camera Control
  3. Child Entities
  4. Additional Reference Frames
  5. Line Of Sight / Access

Orbit Propagation

  1. SGP4 Implementation
  2. Mean Element Stacking
  3. Dynamic Path Generation


  1. Rectangular
  2. Conic
  3. Custom
  4. HPR Pointing
  5. Access Detection

Astro Utilities

  1. Orbit Determination and Estimation
  2. Conjunction Assessment
  3. Maneuver Calculation
  4. Re-entry Modeling
  5. Interplanetary Trajectory Design
  6. Relativistic Corrections
  7. SPICE Toolkit Integration
  8. High-Precision Orbit Propagation
  9. Monte Carlo Simulations
  10. Parameter Estimation
  11. Finite Burn Modeling

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