

static Cesium.Analysis.addAccessLines(viewer, from, to, id, material)string

Name Type Default Description
viewer Object The viewer instance.
from Entity | Array.<Entity> The starting entity or array of starting entities.
to Entity | Array.<Entity> The ending entity or array of ending entities.
id string optional The id for the group of lines.
material Material optional An optional custom material. Defaults to lime green if not provided.
- The id of the created access line group.

static Cesium.Analysis.azEl2RaDec(azDeg, elDeg, latDeg, lonDeg, julianDate, useNoonEpoch)Object

Name Type Default Description
azDeg number Azimuth (clockwise from north) [degrees].
elDeg number Elevation above horizon [degrees].
latDeg number WGS84 latitude [degrees].
lonDeg number WGS84 longitude [degrees], east positive.
julianDate Object UT1-based Julian Date object.
useNoonEpoch boolean true optional Use Vallado's noon-based GMST offsets if true.
Right ascension and declination [degrees].

static Cesium.Analysis.calculateAccess(fromEntity, toEntity, startDate, endDate, stepSize, highResolution)Promise.<Array.<TimeInterval>>

Name Type Default Description
fromEntity Object The source entity with a position property.
toEntity Object The target entity with a position property.
startDate JulianDate The start date of the access computation.
endDate JulianDate The end date of the access computation.
stepSize number The time step (in seconds) between each access computation.
highResolution boolean false optional If true, uses a higher resolution computation.
- A promise that resolves to an array of `TimeInterval` objects representing the access windows.
  • Error : - If an error occurs during computation.

static Cesium.Analysis.calculateMeanElements(id, apogee, perigee, inclination, raan, argp, mean_anomaly, bstar, epoch)Promise.<Object>

Calculates the mean orbital elements and validates them using the SGP4 model.
Name Type Description
id number The unique identifier for the satellite. If not provided, the current timestamp will be used.
apogee number The apogee of the orbit in kilometers.
perigee number The perigee of the orbit in kilometers.
inclination number The inclination of the orbit in radians.
raan number The right ascension of the ascending node in radians.
argp number The argument of perigee in radians.
mean_anomaly number The mean anomaly in radians.
bstar number The drag term.
epoch string optional The epoch time in ISO 8601 format. If not provided, the current time will be used.
- A promise that resolves to an object containing the mean orbital elements.

static Cesium.Analysis.computeGMST(julianDate, unit, useNoonEpoch)number

Name Type Default Description
julianDate Object An object with two properties:
unit string 'seconds' optional The unit for the returned GMST. Valid options: - `"seconds"`: Returns GMST in [0, 86400). - `"degrees"`: Returns GMST in [0, 360).
useNoonEpoch boolean false optional Whether to use the noon-based epoch.
GMST in the specified unit.
Name Type Description
dayNumber number The integer Julian day (often at midnight).
secondsOfDay number The number of seconds past `dayNumber`.

static Cesium.Analysis.computeLST(julianDate, longitudeDegrees, unit, useNoonEpoch)number

Name Type Default Description
julianDate Object An object with two properties:
longitudeDegrees number The observer's longitude in degrees (east positive).
unit string 'seconds' optional The unit of measure for the returned LST. Valid options: - `"seconds"`: Returns LST in the range [0, 86400). - `"degrees"`: Returns LST in the range [0, 360).
useNoonEpoch boolean false optional Whether to use the noon-based epoch for GMST calculations.
LST in the specified unit.
Name Type Description
dayNumber number The integer Julian day (often at midnight).
secondsOfDay number The number of seconds past `dayNumber`.

static Cesium.Analysis.computeTUt1(julianDate)number

Name Type Description
julianDate JulianDate An object with two properties:
T_UT1, the number of Julian centuries since J2000.0 (UT1 basis).
Name Type Description
dayNumber number The integer Julian day (often at midnight).
secondsOfDay number The number of seconds past `dayNumber`.

static Cesium.Analysis.getAzElRange(point1, point2)Object

Name Type Description
point1 Cartesian3
point2 Cartesian3

static Cesium.Analysis.raDec2AzEl(raDeg, decDeg, latDeg, lonDeg, julianDate, useNoonEpoch)Object

Converts right ascension/declination to azimuth/elevation, matching Vallado's "algorithm 28": LHA = LST - RA el = asin( sin(lat)*sin(dec) + cos(lat)*cos(dec)*cos(LHA) ) az = atan2( -sin(LHA)*cos(dec)/cos(el), ( sin(dec)-sin(el)*sin(lat) ) / (cos(el)*cos(lat)) )
Name Type Default Description
raDeg number Right ascension [degrees].
decDeg number Declination [degrees].
latDeg number WGS84 latitude [degrees].
lonDeg number WGS84 longitude [degrees], east positive.
julianDate Object UT1-based Julian Date object.
useNoonEpoch boolean true optional Use Vallado's noon-based GMST offsets if true.
Azimuth [0..360), Elevation [−90..90].

static Cesium.Analysis.removeAccessLines(viewer, id)void

Name Type Description
viewer Object The viewer instance.
id string The id of the access line group to remove.
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