
new Cesium.Spherical(clock, cone, magnitude)

A set of curvilinear 3-dimensional coordinates.
Name Type Default Description
clock number 0.0 optional The angular coordinate lying in the xy-plane measured from the positive x-axis and toward the positive y-axis.
cone number 0.0 optional The angular coordinate measured from the positive z-axis and toward the negative z-axis.
magnitude number 1.0 optional The linear coordinate measured from the origin.


The clock component.
Default Value: 0.0
The cone component.
Default Value: 0.0
The magnitude component.
Default Value: 1.0


static Cesium.Spherical.clone(spherical, result)Spherical

Creates a duplicate of a Spherical.
Name Type Description
spherical Spherical The spherical to clone.
result Spherical optional The object to store the result into, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined. (Returns undefined if spherical is undefined)

static Cesium.Spherical.equals(left, right)boolean

Returns true if the first spherical is equal to the second spherical, false otherwise.
Name Type Description
left Spherical optional The first Spherical to be compared.
right Spherical optional The second Spherical to be compared.
true if the first spherical is equal to the second spherical, false otherwise.

static Cesium.Spherical.equalsEpsilon(left, right, epsilon)boolean

Returns true if the first spherical is within the provided epsilon of the second spherical, false otherwise.
Name Type Default Description
left Spherical The first Spherical to be compared.
right Spherical The second Spherical to be compared.
epsilon number 0.0 optional The epsilon to compare against.
true if the first spherical is within the provided epsilon of the second spherical, false otherwise.

static Cesium.Spherical.fromCartesian3(cartesian3, result)Spherical

Converts the provided Cartesian3 into Spherical coordinates.
Name Type Description
cartesian3 Cartesian3 The Cartesian3 to be converted to Spherical.
result Spherical optional The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result parameter, or a new instance if one was not provided.

static Cesium.Spherical.normalize(spherical, result)Spherical

Computes the normalized version of the provided spherical.
Name Type Description
spherical Spherical The spherical to be normalized.
result Spherical optional The object to store the result into, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined.
Creates a duplicate of this Spherical.
Name Type Description
result Spherical optional The object to store the result into, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined.


Returns true if this spherical is equal to the provided spherical, false otherwise.
Name Type Description
other Spherical optional The Spherical to be compared.
true if this spherical is equal to the provided spherical, false otherwise.

equalsEpsilon(other, epsilon)boolean

Returns true if this spherical is within the provided epsilon of the provided spherical, false otherwise.
Name Type Description
other Spherical The Spherical to be compared.
epsilon number The epsilon to compare against.
true if this spherical is within the provided epsilon of the provided spherical, false otherwise.


Returns a string representing this instance in the format (clock, cone, magnitude).
A string representing this instance.
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