
new Cesium.IonGeocoderService(options)

Provides geocoding through Cesium ion.
Name Type Description
options object Object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
scene Scene The scene
accessToken string Ion.defaultAccessToken optional The access token to use.
server string | Resource Ion.defaultServer optional The resource to the Cesium ion API server.
geocodeProviderType IonGeocodeProviderType IonGeocodeProviderType.DEFAULT optional The geocoder the Cesium ion API server should use to fulfill this request.


Gets the credit to display after a geocode is performed. Typically this is used to credit the geocoder service.
The geocoding service that Cesium ion API server should use to fulfill geocding requests.
Default Value: IonGeocodeProviderType.DEFAULT


geocode(query, type)Promise.<Array.<GeocoderService.Result>>

Name Type Default Description
query string The query to be sent to the geocoder service
type GeocodeType GeocodeType.SEARCH optional The type of geocode to perform.
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