
Methods for loading iTwin platform data into CesiumJS

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.



static Cesium.ITwinData.createDataSourceForRealityDataId(iTwinId, realityDataId, type, rootDocument)Promise.<(GeoJsonDataSource|KmlDataSource)>

Create a data source of the correct type for the specified reality data id. This function only works for KML and GeoJSON type data. If the type or rootDocument are not provided this function will first request the full metadata for the specified reality data to fill these values.
Name Type Description
iTwinId string The id of the iTwin to load data from
realityDataId string The id of the reality data to load
type ITwinPlatform.RealityDataType optional The type of this reality data
rootDocument string optional The path of the root document for this reality data
  • RuntimeError : if the type of reality data is not supported by this function

static Cesium.ITwinData.createTilesetForRealityDataId(iTwinId, realityDataId, type, rootDocument)Promise.<Cesium3DTileset>

Create a tileset for the specified reality data id. This function only works with 3D Tiles meshes and point clouds. If the type or rootDocument are not provided this function will first request the full metadata for the specified reality data to fill these values.
Name Type Description
iTwinId string The id of the iTwin to load data from
realityDataId string The id of the reality data to load
type ITwinPlatform.RealityDataType optional The type of this reality data
rootDocument string optional The path of the root document for this reality data
  • RuntimeError : if the type of reality data is not supported by this function

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.

static Cesium.ITwinData.createTilesetFromIModelId(iModelId, options)Promise.<(Cesium3DTileset|undefined)>

Create a Cesium3DTileset for the given iModel id using iTwin's Mesh Export API. If there is not a completed export available for the given iModel id, the returned promise will resolve to undefined. We recommend waiting 10-20 seconds and trying to load the tileset again. If all exports are Invalid this will throw an error.
Name Type Description
iModelId string The id of the iModel to load
options Cesium3DTileset.ConstructorOptions optional Object containing options to pass to the internally created Cesium3DTileset.
A promise that will resolve to the created 3D tileset or undefined if there is no completed export for the given iModel id
  • RuntimeError : If all exports for the given iModel are Invalid
  • RuntimeError : If the iTwin API request is not successful
const tileset = await Cesium.ITwinData.createTilesetFromIModelId(iModelId);
if (Cesium.defined(tileset)) {

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.

static Cesium.ITwinData.loadGeospatialFeatures(iTwinId, collectionId, limit)Promise.<GeoJsonDataSource>

Load data from the Geospatial Features API as GeoJSON.
Name Type Default Description
iTwinId string The id of the iTwin to load data from
collectionId string The id of the data collection to load
limit number 10000 optional number of items per page, must be between 1 and 10,000 inclusive
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