
new Cesium.Cesium3DTileContent()

The content of a tile in a Cesium3DTileset.

Derived classes of this interface provide access to individual features in the tile. Access derived objects through Cesium3DTile#content.

This type describes an interface and is not intended to be instantiated directly.


readonly batchTableByteLength : number

Gets the amount of memory used by the batch table textures and any binary metadata properties not accounted for in geometryByteLength or texturesByteLength

readonly featuresLength : number

Gets the number of features in the tile.

readonly geometryByteLength : number

Gets the tile's geometry memory in bytes.

readonly innerContents : Array

Gets the array of Cesium3DTileContent objects for contents that contain other contents, such as composite tiles. The inner contents may in turn have inner contents, such as a composite tile that contains a composite tile.

readonly pointsLength : number

Gets the number of points in the tile.

Only applicable for tiles with Point Cloud content. This is different than Cesium3DTileContent#featuresLength which equals the number of groups of points as distinguished by the BATCH_ID feature table semantic.

Returns true when the tile's content is ready to render; otherwise false

readonly texturesByteLength : number

Gets the tile's texture memory in bytes.
Gets the tile containing this content.
Gets the tileset for this tile.

readonly trianglesLength : number

Gets the number of triangles in the tile.
Gets the url of the tile's content.


Returns the Cesium3DTileFeature object for the feature with the given batchId. This object is used to get and modify the feature's properties.

Features in a tile are ordered by batchId, an index used to retrieve their metadata from the batch table.

Name Type Description
batchId number The batchId for the feature.
The corresponding Cesium3DTileFeature object.

hasProperty(batchId, name)boolean

Returns whether the feature has this property.
Name Type Description
batchId number The batchId for the feature.
name string The case-sensitive name of the property.
true if the feature has this property; otherwise, false.
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