
new Cesium.GeographicTilingScheme(options)

A tiling scheme for geometry referenced to a simple GeographicProjection where longitude and latitude are directly mapped to X and Y. This projection is commonly known as geographic, equirectangular, equidistant cylindrical, or plate carrée.
Name Type Description
options object optional Object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
ellipsoid Ellipsoid Ellipsoid.default optional The ellipsoid whose surface is being tiled. Defaults to the default ellipsoid.
rectangle Rectangle Rectangle.MAX_VALUE optional The rectangle, in radians, covered by the tiling scheme.
numberOfLevelZeroTilesX number 2 optional The number of tiles in the X direction at level zero of the tile tree.
numberOfLevelZeroTilesY number 1 optional The number of tiles in the Y direction at level zero of the tile tree.


Gets the ellipsoid that is tiled by this tiling scheme.
Gets the map projection used by this tiling scheme.
Gets the rectangle, in radians, covered by this tiling scheme.



Gets the total number of tiles in the X direction at a specified level-of-detail.
Name Type Description
level number The level-of-detail.
The number of tiles in the X direction at the given level.


Gets the total number of tiles in the Y direction at a specified level-of-detail.
Name Type Description
level number The level-of-detail.
The number of tiles in the Y direction at the given level.

positionToTileXY(position, level, result)Cartesian2

Calculates the tile x, y coordinates of the tile containing a given cartographic position.
Name Type Description
position Cartographic The position.
level number The tile level-of-detail. Zero is the least detailed.
result Cartesian2 optional The instance to which to copy the result, or undefined if a new instance should be created.
The specified 'result', or a new object containing the tile x, y coordinates if 'result' is undefined.

rectangleToNativeRectangle(rectangle, result)Rectangle

Transforms a rectangle specified in geodetic radians to the native coordinate system of this tiling scheme.
Name Type Description
rectangle Rectangle The rectangle to transform.
result Rectangle optional The instance to which to copy the result, or undefined if a new instance should be created.
The specified 'result', or a new object containing the native rectangle if 'result' is undefined.

tileXYToNativeRectangle(x, y, level, result)Rectangle

Converts tile x, y coordinates and level to a rectangle expressed in the native coordinates of the tiling scheme.
Name Type Description
x number The integer x coordinate of the tile.
y number The integer y coordinate of the tile.
level number The tile level-of-detail. Zero is the least detailed.
result object optional The instance to which to copy the result, or undefined if a new instance should be created.
The specified 'result', or a new object containing the rectangle if 'result' is undefined.

tileXYToRectangle(x, y, level, result)Rectangle

Converts tile x, y coordinates and level to a cartographic rectangle in radians.
Name Type Description
x number The integer x coordinate of the tile.
y number The integer y coordinate of the tile.
level number The tile level-of-detail. Zero is the least detailed.
result object optional The instance to which to copy the result, or undefined if a new instance should be created.
The specified 'result', or a new object containing the rectangle if 'result' is undefined.
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