
internal constructor new Cesium.I3SGeometry()

This class implements an I3S Geometry. Each I3SGeometry generates an in memory glTF to be used as content for a Cesium3DTile

Do not construct this directly, instead access tiles through I3SNode.


readonly customAttributes : object

Gets the custom attributes of the geometry.

readonly data : object

Gets the I3S data for this object.
Gets the resource for the geometry


getClosestPointIndexOnTriangle(px, py, pz)object

Find a triangle touching the point [px, py, pz], then return the vertex closest to the search point
Name Type Description
px number The x component of the point to query
py number The y component of the point to query
pz number The z component of the point to query
A structure containing the index of the closest point, the squared distance from the queried point to the point that is found, the distance from the queried point to the point that is found, the queried position in local space, the closest position in local space
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