
new Cesium.CameraEventAggregator(canvas)

Aggregates input events. For example, suppose the following inputs are received between frames: left mouse button down, mouse move, mouse move, left mouse button up. These events will be aggregated into one event with a start and end position of the mouse.
Name Type Default Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement document optional The element to handle events for.


Gets whether any mouse button is down, a touch has started, or the wheel has been moved.
Gets the current mouse position.


Removes mouse listeners held by this object.

Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than isDestroyed will result in a DeveloperError exception. Therefore, assign the return value (undefined) to the object as done in the example.
  • DeveloperError : This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called.
handler = handler && handler.destroy();

getButtonPressTime(type, modifier)Date

Gets the time the button was pressed or the touch was started.
Name Type Description
type CameraEventType The camera event type.
modifier KeyboardEventModifier optional The keyboard modifier.
The time the button was pressed or the touch was started.

getButtonReleaseTime(type, modifier)Date

Gets the time the button was released or the touch was ended.
Name Type Description
type CameraEventType The camera event type.
modifier KeyboardEventModifier optional The keyboard modifier.
The time the button was released or the touch was ended.

getLastMovement(type, modifier)object|undefined

Gets the start and end position of the last move event (not the aggregated event).
Name Type Description
type CameraEventType The camera event type.
modifier KeyboardEventModifier optional The keyboard modifier.
An object with two Cartesian2 properties: startPosition and endPosition or undefined.

getMovement(type, modifier)object

Gets the aggregated start and end position of the current event.
Name Type Description
type CameraEventType The camera event type.
modifier KeyboardEventModifier optional The keyboard modifier.
An object with two Cartesian2 properties: startPosition and endPosition.

getStartMousePosition(type, modifier)Cartesian2

Gets the mouse position that started the aggregation.
Name Type Description
type CameraEventType The camera event type.
modifier KeyboardEventModifier optional The keyboard modifier.
The mouse position.

isButtonDown(type, modifier)boolean

Gets whether the mouse button is down or a touch has started.
Name Type Description
type CameraEventType The camera event type.
modifier KeyboardEventModifier optional The keyboard modifier.
Whether the mouse button is down or a touch has started.
Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.

If this object was destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than isDestroyed will result in a DeveloperError exception.
true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.

isMoving(type, modifier)boolean

Gets if a mouse button down or touch has started and has been moved.
Name Type Description
type CameraEventType The camera event type.
modifier KeyboardEventModifier optional The keyboard modifier.
Returns true if a mouse button down or touch has started and has been moved; otherwise, false
Signals that all of the events have been handled and the aggregator should be reset to handle new events.
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